Sunday, July 7, 2013

Companionship Update !

Okay, I just thought it was a treat to read about Katie from the blog kept for one of her companions.  Since this is posted on the internet for all to read, I think it is okay that I repost!  

from one letter - "Sister Lewis is a GEM.  So I mentioned that I was made the Sister Training Leader day 3 right?  All sisters should, but I check girls clothes and will remind them if it's not quite modest (see FYI below).  I told Sister Lewis once and she immediately went and changed.  ZERO drama.  Then today she went through her clothes and said, "Hey what do you think was too short that I should send home?"  Um OH-kay.  Gem.  She's had a harder time with German and tends to spout little Spanish words every now and then haha but she's a hoot and keeps us all laughing."

Remember Katie's letter about companionship issues?  Well, this is from another letter of the same companion - "I have two comps like I said earlier, Sister Lewis (from Orem) and Sister Kirvenen (from Finland).  Me and Sister Kirvenen were NOT the best of friends after a week.  Last Thursday was the peak of it and I KNOW it was divine help to have a third companion added before this happened haha." (Katie had mentioned that she was able to have a really positive impact on them resolving some of their differences and felt that she has been added to their companionship for a purpose).

FYI on Modesty - I just have to explain the "skirt check" referred to above.  We believe that modesty in dress is important because our bodies are a great gift from Heavenly Father and should be treated with respect. Being modest in dress is also a reminder that to be a disciple of Christ we are called to be "part of the world, but not of the world", meaning that we don't always follow every cultural whim of media, dress etc.  You will rarely see an LDS adult woman, or even young woman, wearing a sleeveless or shoulderless top or short-short dress or shorts unless they are in workout clothes or swimming.  As missionaries, men have their standard of dress and the women do as well.  For women, missionary standard means your skirt covers your knees when you are sitting.  Hmmm....I thought we had checked all that pretty carefully!  So I'm curious as to what didn't pass standard!  But it sounds like her companion was pleasantly surprised that Katie didn't give her any guff about her feedback! 

Below is a picture my friend and neighbor Jackie Williamson sent me.  Her son and Katie's friend, Chase, entered the MTC a week after Katie. He is going to serve in Korea and he sent this picture to his mom.  
Thanks for sending it on to me Jackie!

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