Monday, October 14, 2013

"That's where my trainer is from. She's dead now" - October 7, 2013 from Vienna

Our Church has so much language  that is peculiar to it….and so does missionary work! Yesterday at conference I was talking to one of the BYU study abroad students about the group's trip to Germany and then Sister Judd came and joined us. And one of the places the group went is actually where Sister Judd's trainer is from. So Sister Judd said, "Oh that's where my trainer is from! She's dead now." This poor girl got this horrified look on her face and oh it's bad but it was so funny. Mission lingo is funny. Sister Judd's trainer is only dead because she is no longer a missionary! In mission terms, I was "born" in Wien. Don't worry, we explained to her that Sister Judd's trainer is actually alive and well.

More quotes . . . 

Elder Richman said, "The Spirit was so strong it punched you in the face" (speaking about Jenni's baptism)

"I'm wearing new socks today. One says Satureday and the other one says Sunday." That's from our bishop at Jenni's baptism. He went on to talk about how Jenni was getting baptized on Saturday and confirmed on Sunday. And the connection between the two days. He's funny.

So I hear you saw Baagii's video of us! Do you remember me telling you about her? That was a long time ago. She's still wonderful. And Richard too. After we sang our bishop told us he was mad at us because we hadn't sung for our ward.
So we watched conference at the Stake Center and it was soooo good! We watched Relief Society and Saturday Morning on Saturday and Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning on Sunday. And I watched it all in English. There was a room where it was in German and a room where it was in English. So don't worry we were watching the morning sessions at the same time! I thought about you a lot and I liked thinking that when they talked about full-time missionaries you were thinking of me!

Watching conference as a missionary was just as wonderful as I had hoped. I was reminded again about how much our Heavenly Father loves us and how much He wants us to return to Him. Elder Eyring told us that there is not one of us that He has not given angels charge over, that He does not desire to save, and that He has not prepared a way for our return.

Good news, I have had a couple people tell me that I look Swiss. I think it was my first Sunday in our ward and a ward member legitimately told me they thought I was from Switzerland.

Just a thought from preachy sister missionary Katie. The article in the August Ensign about no corrupt communication was really good.

The work goes on. Sister Judd and I have had some times, particularly this week, that we have had a lot of fun.

This week we had a family home evening with a family that is investigating the church but it's hard because the father and husband in the family is not really in the picture and they're not actually legally married. But they have four adorable kids and we taught them the story of Daniel in the Lion's den and talked about the importance of prayer and committed them to pray as a family. Want to know how to say lion's den auf Deutsch? Because I know now. It's “löwengrube”.

Well family I love you lots. I hope you enjoyed conference as much as I did. I also loved that President Uchtdorf said to "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith." I love that. I'm so grateful to be a missionary. I really do love it. There are so many wonderful members of this church. Thanks for all of your support!

Love you!

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