Monday, January 6, 2014

"Hooray for my German" - January 6, 2014 - Schaffhausen, Switzerland

A short email this week....with all the transfer excitement and emailing back and forth with certain people, I'm afraid we didn't get much out of this girl!

Family! Sister McEwen is headed to St. Gallen and I'm getting a companion who is like Sister McEwen in that she hasn't left her area yet. She is the same age as us on the Mission (been out 6 months), so she was in her first area for 6 months. She’s from Germany so hooray for my German! I'm hoping to learn so much from her. We're Sister Training Leaders but I don't exactly know how that all works yet.

Where do I even start? Hooray for members and referrals! We got two this week from members in our ward. That's big for us. We're having a "spiritual thought" with one tonight. When it's a referral from a member, you really don't want to blow it.

Switzerland doesn't really do the whole ”drei König observance” but Germany does. (Epiphany is a holiday in Southern Germany which is mostly Catholic). So today we went to Germany to go grocery shopping and the whole place was deserted. Yeah oops.

Did I tell you we have an investigator, or maybe more a “friend”,  who follows TB Joshua and thinks she can "deliver" people? I have yet to figure out what I think about all that but I really like her and like talking with her. It will be hard to get her to church and I would love to know what she thought. She's pretty involved in her African church but she likes talking to us and calls us "her sisters."

I heard from Jenni and Benjamin today and they are engaged! (Jenni is the young woman that Katie and her companion baptized in Vienna. Benjamin is her boyfriend who is now fully active in the church). I love them. I want them to be so happy together and be sealed in the temple and have a forever family. Jenni asked me to be there for their wedding, so we are going to have to come back sooner rather than later after my mission! 

Schaffhausen loved the gingerbread house and I need more pictures of it!

Did I mention that Emilee Follett wrote me and also Georgina in Switzerland? THANK YOU! Also I got a letter from Ciarah Cook! And my sister and my mommy and my Daddy I think. Tell David to email me back.

So on Saturday we had a stake temple day with the Relief Society. That was really great. That means I got to go to the temple twice this transfer because our ward went twice and really wanted us there!

Also, did I tell you that we share clips with our members from the work of salvation broadcast? (This was a broadcast that originated from the Marriott Center at BYU in June of 2013 with many new mission presidents and members of the community in attendance.  Katie was in the Provo MTC at the time and was part of the missionary choir that sung at the meeting. Franklin and I attended so we could "stalk" her!) It helps them get pumped about missionary work. Love you Family.

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