Monday, April 28, 2014

"I'm sorry" - April 28, 2014 - From Solothurn, Switzerland

First Pictures of Missionary Life in Solothurn

Sis. Kate's new companion from Denmark, Sister Blohm
The local Chapel
She wrote that she was pretty excited to find a blender
in the apartment.  I guess she really was!

Oh, look!  Some of the quotes I've sent have made it on the wall!

St. UrsenKathedral in Solothurn  built between 1762-1773

Ah, a Swiss kitty.  Sis Kate and I love kitties.

Today I got this thought from Uncle Randal:

"If your happiness depends on what someone else does, I guess you do have a problem." - Richard Bach

That's pretty much exactly what I needed to hear.

And I am happy!

The thing is, now everything depends on a new mission president who I don't know at all. So he would have to decide if it's okay to pick me up (I have heard some mission president don't like that so much) The other thing is I have heard of missionaries getting released over skype . . . you would have to ask our stake president if he is okay with that. Because maybe I should be released before we go galavanting around when you come pick me up (that is, if you decide to). 

Guess what this week is mission tour. That means all the missionaries in Switzerland will be gathering in Zurich and we will be hearing from Elder Timothy Dykes. We all filled out a questionnaire about our missionary work and how well we apply preach my gospel so he will be hitting us on our weaknesses.

Quote of the week:
Sister Blohm (yelling): "Heavenly Father and President Miles want us to learn something from these trials! But I don't know what!!!"
Looking at me (and no longer yelling): "Sorry" (she was just apologizing for her minor outburst)
This is the best part . . . Then she looks up at the ceiling and says to Heavenly Father: "Sorry" (So she apologized to Him too. I thought it was so funny.)

Thank you to . . .
Mary McCann
Aunt Janie and fam
for my letters!

So this week we were having a downer day but it was so cool because then God pulls out the miracles. That day we ran into one of our members and a less active on the bus and the member had just helped the less active go to the doctor. Then that same day as we were visiting another less active and another rockstar member stopped by to help her with some paperwork. It just showed me how great this ward really is. Another day we ran into yet another less active on the bus and she told us she had invited a friend to church!!! Wait it gets better. They both came!! And she brought her two daughters! Wait it gets better. We're having a lesson with all three of them tonight at the bishop's house!! It does not get any better than that.

Also we went to the baptism of a little girl in our ward on Saturday and that was nice. We had invited people but they didn't come. But a member told us how nice she thought it was to have missionaries there at a baptism for a little person because of the reminder to do missionary work.

We also had this awesome choir event yesterday night! I had a few friends I know from Schaffhausen there! It made me a little homesick. (Home still equals Schaffhausen more or less). But it was so good. They sang Homeward Bound in German!

Well I love you!!! Keep reading and praying and going to church. No, seriously it's important.

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