Monday, May 26, 2014

"Should I check your fridge too?" - May 26, 2014 From Solothurn

Hey Family! 

First. Linds I got your letter! It had gone to the mission home because Dear Elder is silly and they turn certain punctuation symbols and German letters into question marks so Dear Elder wasn't sure about the address so they sent it to the mission home. Maybe if you send it with a normal a instead of a ä it will come directly to me. But I loved your letter so much! Such a fun surprise.

Next. I finally got another package full of vitamins that went to WIEN! About six months ago. But I got it and just make sure no more packages go to Wien.

What else. We have a new investigator named XO. We speak English with her. She is from Kenya and has great English and German. We had a killer  lesson with her and I already have my hopes wayyyy up.

An update on the mom and girls we've been teaching. You're not going to like it. We heard from her friend (our less active who brought her to church) that she heard something bad about the church and that's why things have changed. Nooooooooooooooooo!! Satan is a clever guy, isn't he? Now she won't follow through on an appointment with us. And we need a chance to clear up whatever falsehood she has heard. Ugh. It's frustrating.

We had interviews with President! That was good. I can't believe that he's going to leave.

Good news!! A member from the ward is trying to help Sister Blohm and me with German! Bad news: He spams my email inbox every week with about 9 emails about German stuff. And I will never read them. I don't even think he's technically allowed to email me. But the good news totally outweighs the bad.

Did I ever tell you about that awkward time when I found alcohol in a member who is less active's fridge and I was way awkward about it? I was putting away the salad dressing and I ran into the alcohol. I didn't really say anything but we both felt awkward. That is a necessary introduction to the quote of the week from our visit this week. (FYI - This refers to the "Word of Wisdom" . . . a health code followed by people of the LDS Faith.  No alcohol, coffee or smoking is part of that commitment.) 

Me (looking at a coconut coffee package at her home): "Hey it's coconut!"
Her: "It's coffee."
Me: "Yeah, I noticed. Should I check your fridge too?"

She has two brothers who are bishops. She went on a mission but she came home earlier and is choosing not to be active with Church.  But we are best friends. I really love her.

Sister Blohm: "Shsdgilaskjlydkm yiaodfaisjflkakdfajf yfiadjfka." Something like that. I couldn't understand it at all.
Me: "What?"
Sister Blohm: "Sorry sometimes I don't know how to say something in German or English." Yeah so that unintelligable stuff was Danish. I love listening to other languages

XOX and her two kids came to church! That was amazing. And a new convert brought 3 FRIENDS TO CHURCH!! He's a rockstar. Plus he ran into one of our former investigators this week and told her we missed her at church. Celestial material that one.

I don't know what else. We're trying. I've never had it so hard as in Solothurn. I don't know what it is that's different.  I love teaching the gospel and I would love progressing investigators. But I am happy and I know that the church is true. That's just the problem. I know the church is true and I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and I just want to be a good enough missionary for Him and His true church. And Satan will always try to get you to think that you're not good enough. I just want to be better in every way.

This talk is one of my favorite's of all time. It was given by Elder Bednar at the MTC and we watched a recording of it in the MTC. . But I have it now through someone in our mission who somehow had it and I am sending it to you. It's just such a good message. And I am so imperfect. Here's a link to that article: "The Character of Christ"

I love you family! Thanks for all the support.

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