This week's quote, "You are the sharpest pencil in the pencil case!" comes courtesy of Sister Kervinen, one of Katie's companions who is from Finland. She apparently said this to Katie, sarcastically, after Katie had done something particularly dumb. Katie just loves her. I was actually quite impressed with Sister Kervinen's English! Idioms are not always the first thing you pick up on in a language!
This is Katie with Sister Kervinen |
So Katie's letter this week began like this :
"Heyyy family!! Okay so I don't
even know where to start! You want to hear about the drama, don't you? Not all just the spiritual experiences or the day-to-day drill. So I will tell you about the
Now, I'm guessing this is where my job as editor of the letters becomes important, because my non LDS family and friends may not get the picture that you are with your companions 100% of the time. You go nowhere, and do nothing without them by your side! Anyway, Katie goes on to share that there has been some drama between her two companions but in no way would she want to imply that they are not both wonderful and that she doesn't love them both so much! Apparently they have something called "companionship inventories" where you work on improving your companionship so you can focus on the work. Katie was gratified to be very instrumental in helping work out some differences between her two companions and she concludes her stories with
"Things are soooo much better now!"
Three girls on a mission Sister Kervinen, Sister Lewis, Sister Packer |
"More about my roommates! There's me, Sister
Kervinen (from Finland), Sister Packer (from Lindon. She's the one I was next
to during the broadcast when you saw me!), Sister Mcewen (from Scotland), and
Sister Maatta (from Finland). The upside of my original companion Sis Wood
leaving is now I get two closets! Niiiiice. Okay so my district. It's me and my
two companions, plus Elder Rogers and Elder Bulkley. Everyone in my district
expect for Sister Kervinen is from Utah so no, they don't have the excuse of
not being American for not knowing what a two-point conversion was. (referring to a story she told last week) The elders
in our district are going to Frankfurt. Elder Bulkley just turned 18 two weeks
before entering the MTC. All of them have taken some German before.
I want you to know that I really can feel your
prayers. Sometimes I feel like I just live on top of this bubble of prayers and
it's keeping me from getting too low. I really am doing well. Yesterday Sister
Janice Kapp Perry and her husband gave our Tuesday devotional.
Obviously I loved it. That woman is basically responsible for a lot of my
testimony. We sang lots of songs! She has rewritten the words to that EFY
medley thing so it's just for missionaries.
So I live in one of the newer buildings on the main
MTC campus. My classroom is in building 7M and my residence is in building 17M.
They told us our building was newer but I didn't realize how nice ours is
compared to the others until we helped clean one of the other buildings'
bathrooms. That's our service assignment once a week. And our bathrooms are a
lot nicer than the ones in that building.
So you wanted to hear about my branch president.
His name is President Petersen and I think he's from Mapleton. And so is one of
his counselors. He served in Germany and so did one of his councilors. And the
other councilor served in Finland! I really like our branch presidency.
I loooove all your letters! And Uncle Randall sends me quotes. And thank you for
praying for me. Seriously I can feel it.
So basically I feel like I see the hand of the Lord
a lot. I just think that it worked out the way it was supposed to with me
having Sister Wood for a companion for a little bit and then being added to
Sister Kervinen and Sister Packer's companionship. I seriously don't know how
they would have survived without me. It's been good.
I love you family! Sorry my emails are so scatterbrained. "