I've created this blog for me, her mom, and I hope for those who have expressed interest in keeping up with Katie's activities during the 18 months she is serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I plan on posting her letters . . . edited maybe just a tiny bit so she can feel free to write
ANYTHING she wants to her mom, but know that I will keep to myself those little things meant just for me. Katie won't see this blog until she gets home, and I think that's best because she would drive me crazy with my driving her crazy with my . . . s and also with the fact that the new standard is to NOT PUT TWO SPACES between the period at the end of the sentence and the start of the next sentence. You just can't teach an old mom new tricks . . . but I'll give it my best.
I also plan on adding some points of clarification for our friends and family interested in Katie's experience who are not familiar with the LDS Church and with the very unique characteristics of a mission.
Katie and I have always been very close and very good friends, so I hope she will be happy with my efforts to share her love for her Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and her joys and hardships as she commits herself to serve Him.
Hope you'll join us for the journey!
Mother & Daughter: June 2013 in Little Wild Horse Canyon, Utah |
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