THE BIG DAY! Entering the MTC
This was the big day on the calendar....the countdown had been going on for weeks. It's such an exciting day for everyone; bittersweet, sad and happy. She was assigned the time of 1:15 to report. Lindsey and Max & Claire came over in the morning to hang out with us as we packed the last few things and brought suitcases downstairs. We packed one with all the winter stuff that she hopefully won't even have to open until she's over there in the cold. One of the last things we did before leaving the house was for Franklin to give Katie a beautiful father's blessing. He laid his hands upon her head and brought the spirit of the Lord to rest on her as she prepared to step out of the security of her home and move forward with her commitment to serve the Lord. I think his blessing addressed many of the concerns she has had and I know she felt very loved and reassured.
Next was lunch. Lots of local places give "free lunch" to missionaries on the day they go into the MTC, but we didn't chose one of those and went to Zupas, where we could get a light, healthy lunch. We ran into a friend of hers that was also entering the MTC that day...the excitement was palpable. She had said goodbye to her Grandma & Grandpa Lewis and Jesse and family the night before but Joe was able to meet us there......
and then it was time to leave....
We took some pictures in the chapel parking lot near the MTC. Then Joe stayed there with Max and Claire so Lindsey could come with us for the final hugs.
FYI -The Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo in near the BYU campus and here the missionaries eat, sleep and learn. There are also MTC's in foreign countries as well and missionaries are assigned depending on where they are from, where they will serve and what language they will be learning. Right now there are an unprecedented number of new missionaries with close to 7000 in the Provo MTC at one time and close to 80,000 serving worldwide.
This is my very favorite picture. Not even really posed. I love the expression on her face, which is funny because Kate is a very affectionate person by nature so kisses wouldn't usually garner this reaction!
Nowadays you arrive at the MTC at your designated time, and are simply given enough time at the curb to unload luggage and give a final quick hug goodbye. Missionary "hosts" are there to whisk you away, because, after all, there were about 870 NEW missionaries arriving on that day (a group enters the MTC every Wednesday)

We were lucky to get a few final snaps because two adult volunteers, who are friends from our previous neighborhood, just happened to be near our "stop"! Thank you Jackie and Robin!
We all just love this girl so much. Lindsey will so miss her "best of sister". |
Hah, Hah. Do you think I am just kind of a smother mother with this last hug?
The truth is you are really just filled with such a range of mixed emotions. Grateful for the decision they have made on their own to give this service, grateful for the incredible blessing this child has been in your life, incredulous that you not only won't get to see them for 18 months but you'll only talk with them 3 times during that time,but also so grateful for the amazing experiences they will have as they learn to sacrifice and serve and put the needs of others before their own on a day to day basis.
With all the trials Franklin and I went through to bring Katie into this world, I feel such a deep sense of gratitude for all she has meant to our family that I am more than willing to let the Lord use her as a full time instrument of his love.
My prayer is that her
amazing spirit, her love for her Heavenly Father and all his children and creations will give some of those she meets the opportunity to pause and reflect on their spiritual life and whether or not there just might be something missing that she could help them
reconnect with. I know that God lives, that he is aware of each one of us, that Jesus Christ is His son, and that through our relationship with Him, all of life's joys and challenges can take on meaning that will further bless our lives and guide us back to him.

After dropping her off, Franklin and I just weren't quite sure what to do with ourselves. Didn't fee like going back to work, that's for sure! So we went to the Provo Temple and afterwards realized that there was just no better place that we could have been.
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