Monday, September 1, 2014

"Life is good" - September 2, 2014 - From Solothurn

Hi Family!  I liked hearing your thoughts about the less active people we work with and what those other missionaries said.   I absolutely know that to be true but sometimes I just get frustrated/discouraged when I don't know if I'm making a difference. But do you know what? We had 4 less active friends in church yesterday. :-)  (FYI -  There are great blessings that come from attending church meetings.  Being able to renew your covenants with Heavenly Father when taking the sacrament and being surrounded by other people just trying their best to be their best.  It's a wonderful time to make a "course correction" if you have gone off course.  And even if you are feeling prideful and don't think YOU need to be at church that Sunday, someone else might just really need you to be there.  Most of God's miracles occur through us, his children, listening to the promptings of the spirit and making a difference in someone's life.  So, yes, Sister Kate's work with those who are less active can really lift someone and help them to see their place in God's kingdom.  We just all really need each other.)

Mom I'm so proud of you for finishing Alma (FYI - a long chapter in the Book of Mormon).  I've been very committed to reading my scriptures daily and I can tell that it's blessing me and helping me be more mindful of who Heavenly Father needs me to be.  It's a good feeling. :-) and for doing family history! (FYI - Since we believe that family relationships are eternal, we know we will meet members of our family that we have never met in the eternities.  Doing family history research...learning about your ancestors...brings you to a new appreciation of them and of your own heritage. So yes, I've been trying to fill in some blanks and it's starting to be fun.  Like putting together a huge puzzle!)

I can't believe you're having a missionary support week! Maybe when you move you will know what it is like to be transferred. How did the week at the cabin go? Family I'm so impressed with you. Most supportive missionary family award goes to . . . MY FAMILY!!

I got the Kleine Tag and the speaker! Thank you!! I love the Kleine Tag so much.(This was a German musical that her German companion Sister Siems introduced her too and she asked for a copy because she missed it now that she is no longer companions with Sister Siems.  So I was able to order it from Amazon in Deutschland!) 

Want to hear a miracle?! Of course you do. So a while ago Sister Bognar and I were on the bus (wait, we're always on the bus) and this lady kept looking at Sister Bognar's nametag and finally she asked her if she was Hungarian. And then they started talking really fast in Hungarian and hugged and it was adorable. She is the sweetest old lady. And then the lady got off the bus after talking to Sister Bognar for a while and she said, "I live really close to your church! I hope you will come and visit me." The problem is, a lot of people live close to the church. But we also have this member who has decided to refer all of her friends to us and she gives us a poem to give to her friends and we go deliver the poem and see if her friends are willing to hear our message. We have been asking and getting a lot of referrals! I can't say that anyone has become an investigator but I can say that people have come nearer to Jesus Christ, and that is what my work as a missionary is all about. Working with the members in this way has been a blessing to our missionary work. So the Sunday after that this member gave us another referral and Sister Bognar recognized the name right away! It was the Hungarian woman! And that was actually a few weeks ago but since then we have tried visiting the lady a few times and no one was ever home. Well yesterday she was!! And we visited with her and her husband and her son and taught them a lesson. And we talked in German and Hungarian (yeah obviously I didn't speak in Hungarian but I did say the one word I could remember) and now the lady has a Book of Mormon in Hungarian. She's not a new investigator yet, but we will see her again. Miracle!

Another cool thing. A lady in our ward who teaches a primary class had her class draw little pictures and write notes for the little girl who never comes because her family is less active. Then she gave us the pictures and notes to deliver. So we went there this week and were able to have a lesson with her. It was totally meant to be. We actually had a lesson planned for that time that fell out and then the other investigator we went by on wasn't home so we finally went there. And not only was the family home but the father of the family (the one who is less excited about contact with the church) was sick and upstairs. So she invited us in and we turned off the tv and were able to have a good talk. I know from members that usually the dad is always in front of that tv and I think if he had been there the tv would never have been turned off and we would have never had a lesson. I’m so grateful it turned out that way.

The service for the friend of that member went well. He told us not to try and preach or anything but this family is very religious so they brought up the topic themselves. We were able to have a good discussion.

We went on a walk with Ivanka and Sara and had a lesson in the mountains. That made me happy.

A quote from Elder D. Todd Christofferson:
"Having satisfied the demands of justice, Christ now steps into the place of justice; or we might say He is justice, just as He is love. Likewise, besides being a 'perfect, just God,' He is a perfect, merciful God. Thus, the Savior makes all things right. No injustice in mortality is permanent, even death, for He restores life again. No injury, disability, betrayal, or abuse goes uncompensated in the end because of His ultimate justice and mercy."

This is what I wish we all understood. Yes, terrible things happen. I know that I myself have not suffered very much, and that this probably sounds ridiculous coming from me, but I know that through Jesus Christ everything will eventually be made right. He suffered all things. No injustice in mortality is permanent!! Our loving Father in Heaven made a plan for us. Our time on earth is only a part of this plan. And then, if we endure it well, God will exalt us on high (D&C 121:8). We can live with our Heavenly Father again.

Well, life is good. I'm a happy missionary. I'm grateful to be here. I'm grateful for supportive members. Love you all.

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