Monday, July 14, 2014

"Almost the same in Danish" - July 14, 2014 - From Solothurn

Hi Family!  Soooo . . . I will tell you some stories. On Thursday we were out and about as always and I just had a day where I felt really led by the spirit. Those are the very best days. So I will tell you two stories.

We were with our joint teach. The appointment fell out. So our joint teach actually came with us and we went and tried some different referals. For one of them the address was wrong, and the other was not at home. So then we were on our way to the bus but I wanted us to check this little train station right by where we were for some reason. So we went and checked it and it was coming soon so we stayed there. And this man apparently recognized my voice? He came up to me and said I was the American he had talked to on the phone. So apparently I had called him before because he is a potential in my phone and I call them sometimes. But we set up an appointment after riding the train to Solothurn Hauptbahnhof together. And we met and another joint teach was there and he has actually met with missionaries before. We talked about the restoration and encouraged him to start reading in the BOM again and it was really good. God definitely put him in our path.

Same day we're on our way home but we have 12 minutes until our bus comes. So were were walking around trying to make some friends. No one wanted to talk to us and then I poked my head down this side street to see if there were any people and if there weren't we would just keep heading to the main road. But one lady was there. A cute girl in her 20's. So we went and talked to her and we gave her a book of mormon and she said we can call her in a week and a half. Her name is Cindy. And she is clearly Swiss. I like her. I somehow knew to go down that street and I definitely feel like we were led to Cindy.

For my 4th of July fireworks, God sent me a lightning storm.  Wasn't that nice of him? But on the fourth I actually ate Pakistani food with (X) and Italian food with Guiseppe.  X is turning out to be tricky because he doesn't speak any languages beside Urdu and some Greet.  But he is a strong Christian.  The ward does have a difficult time sometimes with auslanders.

Last Monday we had a Sister's P-day in Thun.  We took the boatride on the Thunersee. It rained for the last part but it was really beautiful.  I love that area so much! Afterwards we were invited to a FHE with a ward family and it was their daughter's birthday and they would have a non-member cousin there so they wanted us to come.  It's great when members invite us to things where we can get to know non-members in casual situations where they can get to know us a bit as well! 

Sisters Lewis, Oswald, Hoareau, Page, Couper and Blohm

Sister Blohm and Lewis - companions in the work

So my new mission president is great. I have seen him once and he had about a 2-minute interview with Sister Blohm and me. And he gave a great zone conference. The whole family seems awesome. I'm grateful they're here. But honestly, I still feel like I hardly know him.

Sister Blohm and I gave the RS lesson yesterday.  We were originally supposed to speak on baptism from the President Ezra Taft Benson book, but the relief society lady also said we could choose another topic if we wanted. So after preparing a lesson on baptism, we changed out topic to why bad things happen to good people. Hopefully another incident of being led by the spirit. I think it was the right topic.

Sister Blohm had another really hard week . . . especially since the elders have apparently scheduled three people for baptism. When she was all upset about the elders I just had to say, "I know Sister Blohm I really hate it too when people decide to come unto Christ and be baptized. Isn't that just the worst?" I know, I know, sarcasm isn't exactly ideal but it was in that moment.  I just couldn't help myself.  I want her to realize that we are all in this work together, reaching out and bringing the Gospel to the world.  We are each needed in our own way and the Lord uses us each differently.  

Quote of the week from Sister Blohm:
Esther Jäger taught us a word in German and Sister Blohm says, "It's almost the same in Danish but another word!" Ha ha almost the same . . . I love to hear her talk Danish. 

You asked about whether it was true what you've been told about mission days being slow but weeks being fast... it's actually true.

Also last week I sent you a letter because I felt so bad about my short email. Sorry . . .

Picture explanations . . . We made yummy stuff with Tatyana (the new convert) for Elder Kelly's birthday (it's today). 

The elders actually watched the Switzerland game, I just saw them at the Bahnhof and was sad with them.

Well I love you all. Things are good. I am happy no matter what. The church is true. Thanks for being such a supportive family.


Embracing skiis.....Sister Kate loves to ski! 

Never one to miss a chance to play! 

This says "Barefoot Lane"

Yogurtland ! 

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