Monday, August 11, 2014

"Your accent is nearly perfect" - August 11, 2014 - From Solothurn

Hiiii Fam.

I'm glad you missed me at Lake Powell. Ha ha. And I'm glad you had fun. And I'm excited for pictures.

Soooo the picture with the hurt feet, actually our feet weren't hurt. Just dyed. I wanted to say, "So who was wearing black shoes and who was wearing brown shoes?" It has rained  A LOT. So without rainboots, your feet can change colors. Gross.

I hope I get to hear more about the homecomings.

Quote of the week:

So I've been learning a little Hungarian (3rd hardest language in the world and there are 22 different cases. Ridiculous.).

Sister Bognar: "That's good! I don't know how but your accent is really perfect."

I just wish it were that way with German . . .

I'm really impressed with Sister Bognar. She has such a strong testimony. She built up her foundation of faith very independently. She met the missionaries because one of her friends wanted to go to their free English class but didn't want to go alone. She got baptized but the friend didn't. Last night I asked her about the first time she heard about Mormons having more than one wife. Ha ha that was funny. She and her friend found a National Geographic about the FLDS church or something like that and read all about Mormons having more than one wife. Obviously after that, they were finished investigating the church, but they already had an appointment with the elders and they decided to go anyway to see what they had to say for themselves. Luckily the elders did a good job explaining the truth.   And now Sister Bognar is my companion. I love contacting with her and when someone talks about being Catolisch she can say, "Oh I was also Catholic"  and give them her special insights from her perspective.

Guess what... life is so good. I love being a missionary. This has become my life. The weeks fly by. It's just like everyone says: Days are long, weeks are fast. Mommy, I am finally getting better about writing down some of the little miracles that we see every day. So I will share some with you because I think you will like them.

We brought an innactive lady we had never met cookies for her birthday and we found her at home and had a nice talk on her porch. It's really interesting when we find innactives we have never met at home and then say that we're new missionaries from the ward and we would like to get to know them etc. etc. And then they have this uncomfortable moment where they realize they should probably tell us that they're not actually active in the church. And I just am always interested to hear their reasons for not keeping the covenants they have made with the Lord. I think so often people don't live the covenants long enough to really reap their blessings or gain a testimony of them. People are just interesting. 

I'm totally not one of those missionaries who expounds on the mysteries of God in my letters home. Yes, you've probably noticed. I probably should have done this my entire mission, but in addition to the silly quote of the week I normally include, I want to try and remember to at least sometimes include sometime a bit more spiritual. Because those thoughts are such a big part of my life, but not of my letters. I hope my emails up until now have been at least somewhat spiritually uplifting, but maybe this will help. Yes, I do study every day. And I really love study time. I was just looking at my study journal trying to pick one, and there are about 21 quotes I would like to share. But maybe someday. This week's is from True to the Faith under the section for happiness.

"Your happiness can be contagious. As others observe you, they may desire to know the source of your joy. Then they can also experience the happiness that comes through living the gospel of Jesus Christ."

There's a scripture (1 Peter 3:15) that goes along with that. It says, "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you"

So if someone does notice your happiness and your hope and asks you about the source of it, be ready to speak to them about the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Then you will help others to experience this same happiness.
Picking raspberries . . . yum!
We had three lessons with a member present this week. All of them were with F. He is continuing to make progress. He loved the activity about the word of wisdom that we did with him. But guess what's happening this week? He's going out of town for at least 3 weeks. Back to Kosovo to see some of his family. His new tauf datum is the 21st of September.

Our less active who made the most progress this week is A. Have I talked about her? She came to church for the first time in forever and we had such a good lesson with her where she bore her testimony. And oh yeah, I translated at church again. Actually 4 less actives were at church. One of them only doesn't come sometimes because she is really old. But she is so excited that Sister Bognar is here because she is Hungarian. We had a lesson with her. I told Sister Bognar I was just going to take a nap. Way too bad that I can't do that. They mostly just talked in Hungarian and I felt like a golden again... ha ha.

Forgot to mention the fact that the elders are homeless. They walked to the church at 3 in the morning after they had to leave their apartment because of a fire. At 6:30 they called us and asked us if we could bring down some food from our apartment because they were really hungry. Sister Bognar interviewed them when they were outside our apartment. Then the bishop came and picked them up and outfitted them in his suits for church. His suits were far too big for them and they looked so funny. The funny part is, Elder Kelly has been praying for a new apartment. Their apartment is apparently far too small and even the senior couple who does our cleaning checks said that it wasn't up to mission standards. So, the fire in their apartment building definitely spread up the process.
Evidence of apartment fire
Elders in PJ's begging for breakfast
Well I love you all! Thanks for being so good to me.

Liebe Grüsse,

Sister Kate

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