Monday, June 9, 2014

"What have you done with Sister Lewis?" - June 9, 2014 - From Solothurn

Heyyyyy Family! First of all, I have this whole little family history booklet about my family that I need to fill out before the new president comes. So I need some help . If you need some motivation, read what President Monson said about Hastening the Work in the June Liahona. Or Ensign. Whatever. And actually you should just read that anyway, because it's really good.  I'm so grateful to know families are forever.

So this week! Guess what? I had one of the most spiritual lessons of my life in the funniest setting. We had a joint teach (when a member joins the missionaries to teach.  It's just really good for people interested in learning more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ to get to know members of the local congregation who aren't missionaries) set up for this guy and then what does he do? He doesn't show up for his lesson. So before I could even suggest it our joint teach asks us to teach her a lesson. And at first she wanted to know more about what we normally teach as missionaries and then we ended up just having a the best discussion and the spirit was so strong and I think it was something that she really needed. She told us she had to run and write in her journal before she forgot everything she had just learned. We talked a lot about the priesthood and missionary work and it was just good.

Remember how I told you about M? Well she's pretty much my favorite person. That girl is not even a member and she has been putting up with so much anti-mormon ridiculousness. We are going to be seeing her every other week. But basically in the schools here they unfortunately teach that the Mormons are a sect. No really, they do. 

I've actually encountered a lot more anti-Mormon things lately. (Seriously Satan is working really hard. So I just have to work harder.). We had such a good lesson with Ch and then these two ladies came in who are there because of helping her with one of her sons because I guess he is sometimes a troubled kid and they sat down and her husband brought them coffee and Ch jumps in and asks her husband to bring us some coffee as well. Which is when one of these ladies jumps in and says, "No no no they don't drink coffee" before Sister Blohm and I can say anything like just a normal, "No thank you." And Ch was surprised and then this woman goes on and on and talks about all these things from the word of wisdom and then jumped right into how we have to pay tithing (Yes, faithful LDS people do give the Lord back 10% of what he gives us.  It's used to build chapels, temples, and provide materials to members all over the world, rich or poor.  It's used very carefully because it is the Lord's money and is not squandered and does not go toward any personal gain) or we're not allowed to enter the temple a year after we've been baptized and all this stuff. (the Word of Wisdom refers to a health code which includes not drinking alcohol and coffee that LDS members adhere to.  I have always thought of the "no alcohol" not in terms of alcohol being like sulphuric acid or something, but that because so many people can't handle it and it causes so much pain and heartache, it is best that we all forego . . . for each other) It was in German and Ch’s German isn't awesome (we talk in a combination of German and English) so I'm not totally sure how much she understood. But there is a good chance that this woman made sure she understood after we left. So I just told this woman how impressed I was that she knew so much and corrected a few of her gross exaggerations. The other lady who was with her had so many questions because she was just generally curious. And we have nothing to hide. Most of what she said was true. And I explained that the word of wisdom is because God wants us to not be addicted to anything so that we can preserve our free will. And Christina was on board and says she only drinks herbal tea anyway and the friend of the anti-Mormon woman could see the sense in it but this one woman, while still being semi-polite about it, was seriously trying to destroy us. Sister Blohm was pretty upset but as far as I'm concerned she just made the woman who came with her curious to learn more about our religion and made it so that Christina doesn't have any surprises when she learns about the Word of Wisdom. The only problem is we don't know what she said after we left. At one point I asked her how she knew so much and she said she used to be a member of our church. There you have it. And this woman is bitter. According to her, she was an active mormon for 10 years. We left the room without praying and then at the door I asked Christina if we could say another prayer with her (we had said an opening prayer and had a good lesson before these women came). So we went in a bedroom and said a kneeling prayer. And Christina apologized profusely because she could tell this woman had not been so nice to us. I could go on and on and I already have but that's basically what happened.  It's okay.  People do have so many misperceptions but it's so sad when they are so angry with Heavenly Father that they want to hurt someone else's faith. 

Yesterday was stake conference and we all watched a broadcast from President Uchtdorf and Elder Anderson in Zollikofen. And guess what yesterday morning President Uchtdorf rededicated the Swiss temple and Switzerland to the spreading of the gospel. 

This week I have an austausch with Sister Couper and she planned it so that it's on our year birthday! Technically hers is on the 11th and mine is on the 12th and our austausch is the 11th to the 12th. And I'm going to Thun to be with her.

What else. We had to say goodbye to President and Sister Miles this week at zone conference. That was sad but they gave us a great introduction to our new mission president and it was actually just one of the most spiritual meetings of my whole mission.

On Saturday we did two service projects. We helped a member paint the outside of their house and we helped an investigator in his garden. I spent so much time just picking up the trash that had collected in their garden.

What else. Quotes of the week:

After my prayer Sister Blohm was laughing. Sister Blohm: I don't want to laugh but you just prayed for Ch to read in the BOM and she doesn't have a BOM yet (we were still waiting to get one in Portuguese from other missionaries).

One morning (actually it was Sunday morning after two hard-core service projects for the entire day on Saturday) I was especially tired and out of it and apparently not myself. Sister Blohm: Who are you and what have you done with Sister Lewis?

Welll I hope that was a good update. Life is good. I have purpose and peace. That is what the gospel gives me. Keep being the best.

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