Monday, June 30, 2014

"It was an emergency" - June 30, 2014 - From Solothurn, Switzerland

Hi to the fam!! Soooo . . . I'm just getting a tiny baby little Sister Lewis refiner's fire here in Solothurn. That's what I have decided. It's nothing compared to the one the early saints went through. But, hopefully I am being refined. I'm so imperfect, it's ridiculous.

Otherwise things go on as normal. I and J (the two less active sisters who I have told you a lot about) are actually really progressing. They both have a different spirit about them now which is so nice to see. But they both said they were coming to church yesterday and didn't. Also we have been trying to get in contact with J (our friend with the two daughters) and the bishop's wife called her and told her she would pick her up for church and she said she would come but she didn't. We saw her two days in a row at the Bahnhof last week (which never happens). Both times she told us E had invited her and she was coming to church. I think God was trying to tell her something by having her see us all the time but I don't think she listened. We have to stop trying with her.

T, a new convert we meet with every week, is being kicked out of Switzerland and we are so sad. Her daughter is here and has permission to stay here with her husband and her son and her baby who should be arriving any day. But T and her other son, who have been living here for 9 years now, must leave. But no one has told them how or when. Obviously she's devastated. More for her son than for herself. Yesterday she received a priesthood blessing and I know that gave her some peace.

Yesterday the temple president and his wife came to our ward and talked in sacrament meeting and a combined relief society/priesthood class. Cool, right? They talked about . . . THE TEMPLE. It was really good.

As for good news, America AND Switzerland are moving on in the world cup. That makes me happy.

Also, after all of that, I want you all to know that things are going well, especially with Sister Blohm. We do have a good relationship and I hope I haven't made it sound otherwise. About how she threatens to kill me sometimes, well that's just a Sister Blohm thing. We're all supposed to be working on overcoming an addiction of some kind so we can understand how hard it is for investigators to overcome addictive behaviors. I'm working on not biting my nails and Sister Blohm is working on not threatening people's lives :-)  Elder Kelly told her he thinks she says she is going to kill him every time she sees him.  It’s a funny, but bad habit!

We had a great finding day on Saturday! I got to work with Sister Hoareau and I have always wanted to.

Quote of the week:
Elder Little (my current district leader): Why did you contact that old man in the middle of the road?! (he saw Sister Hoareau and me at the end of finding day)
Me: It was an emergency! We only had 5 more minutes to find and we wanted to give one more Book of Mormon away. And you know what? He took the Book of Mormon. And he also gave us his contact information.

What else. Mom, about what you wrote about counting failures, I have sometimes done that on my mission. Actually it's really hard to keep track because we talk to so many people who really don’t’ want to talk with us!  But that’s okay.  Sister McEwen and I tried that for a while and we know that as long as we are working hard and listening to the spirit we are doing His work.

The weather has been crazy. Already today it has gone from being sunny to pouring rain at least 3 times. One time this week Sister Blohm and I got literally caught in the rain. We looked like we had just jumped into a pool. See pictures. You should have some pictures today. You can also see that we had a zone p-day.

This week we also found out that the former member we saw at C’s is actually the source of a lot of challenges for the church here in Solothurn. She chose to leave the church and took several people with her, including families. She also took away an investigator family. And we haven't heard from C so it’s possible that she was a negative influence on her too. But now we at least know her name and we pray for her to soften her heart.

We had two cool miracles this week that I want to tell you about! This guy called us and he got his number from one of his friends and he wanted to see where the church was. But . . . he didn't come to church. But it was still cool! Also we went by on the French couple I think I told you about last week because they haven't answered the phone and they weren't there and then Sister Blohm had a feeling that we should knock on their neighbor's door (Sister Blohm has never before suggested knocking on any door. She hates it.) So we did and she has interest in talking to us and said she would come to church! She also didn't come but when we called her friend answered and said her baby had been in the hospital the night before so I guess she has a good excuse. Hopefully we will find her at home again.

Life is good. The church is true. Satan hates us for forwarding the work of salvation. And it is going forward! Sometimes slowly, but always forward. I love you family! 

Also guess what mom …I  sent a letter to the Kohler’s daughter that I hope she'll enjoy as a welcome! Have a great week!

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